Thursday, May 21, 2009

Calling in for good sense

Sarve Jana Sukhinobhavantu. loka samastha sukhino bhavantu. Santhi Santhi Santhi hii.
Let all the people be happy. Let the entire world be happy. Let there be Peace . Peace. Peace. (converted from Sanskrit poem that we pray)

If this what a hindu prays before their gods day-in and day-out then the question of violence in hinduism does not araise. Again to be on correct stand there is no hindu in this country/ every one by default irrespective of his faith is a hindu. The eairlier like poems is what were being passed from ages (more than 6000 year ago!! ) down till now.

What we have is a culture that is coming from ages which can be modified for better tomorrow and there no restriction on it. All the hindu culture says is this may be good for you whether you follow or not is a decision left to thyself(remember Matrix movie).

Western life and materialist plasures have lot of influence on us and have changed/changing us.
what BJP/RSS is trying to do conserve this precious culture from degradation so that one day after centuries down the line (may be 1000 years or so !!) culture should not seem as alien to us as the Azetec/mayan culture (original Americans) to Americans. (Well the todays decent americans ancesters have totally anhilated aborigins that were present there. !!)

Congress on its part has no plans/idea to conserve such culture. They are not bothered about the hindu culture which is present from ages but are here to protect(prosper) the minorities.
Protecting minorities is good but apeasing them by discremenating them from majority is where the partisian politics arise. Also what is bad is dividing people based on religion/caste/region and giving political favours one group over other which will ultimately lead to break is populace.
Politics has nothing to do with faith/physical appearence.

There should uniform civil code across all sections of society. All the religions should be equally treated.

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