Monday, November 30, 2009
Muddugare yasoda
Lyrics: Annamacharya
Type : Telugu Devotionals
Composer: Annamacharya
TaaLam: Aadi
Type: Telugu Kriti
♪♪♪♪ Song: Muddugare Yashodha ♪♪♪♪♪♪
Muddugaare Yasooda mungiti muthyamuveedu
Didderaani mahimala Deevakee suthudu...
charanam 1 :
Antha nintha gollethala arachethi maanikyamu
Panthamaadey Kamsuni paali vajramu
Kaanthula moodu lookaala Garudapachapoosa
Chenthala maaloonunna Chinni Krishnudu....
charanam 2 :
Ratikeli rukminiki rangumovi pagadamu
mithi goovardhanapu Goomedikamu
sathamye Sankha chakraala sandula vaidooryamu
gathiyai mammu gaache Kamalaakshudu
charanam 3 :
kaalinguni talapye gappina pushyaraagamu
yelleti Sree Venkataadri Indraneelamu
paalajala nidhiloona baayani Divya ratnamu
baaluneevale dhrigi Padmanaabhudu
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Vishnav jan to
par dukkhe upkar kare toye, man abhiman na aaNe re ... [Ever ready to serve others who are unhappy, he never lets vanity get to his head]
2. sakaL lok maan sahune vande, nindaa ne kare keni re ... [Bowing to everyone humbly and criticising none]
vaach-kaacch-man nischaL raakhe, dhan-dhan janani teni re .. [He keeps his speech, deeds and thoughts pure; blessed is the mother who begets such a one]
3. sam-drushti ne trishNaa tyaagi, parastree jene maat re ... [He looks upon all with an equal eye. Having rid himself of lust, he treats and reveres every woman as his mother]
jihvaa thake, asatya na bole, par-dhan nava jhaale haath re ... [His tongue would fail him if he attempted to utter an untruth. He does not covet another's wealth]
4. moh-maayaa vyaape nahin jene, draDh vairagya jena manmaa re ... [The bonds of earthly attachment hold him not. His mind is deeply rooted in renunciation]
raam-naam shu taaLE laagi, sakaL teerath tena tanmaa re ... [Every moment he is intent on reciting the name of the Lord Rama. All the holy places are ever present in his body]
5. vaNa lobhi ne kapat rahit chhe, kaam krodh nivaarya re ... [He has conquered greed, deceit, passion (lust) and anger]
bhaNe Narsaiyyon teno darshan kartaun, kuL ekoter tarya re ... [The sight of such a Vaishnava, says Narsinh, saves a family through seventy-one generations]
-- source wiki
Sense of belonging
God give us courage and strength to seek your true form by banishing all the false pride and ego. God give us enough patience and perception ability to enjoy and unserstand your marvelous creation.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Prayer - Om
Kaamadam Mokshadam Chaiva Omkaaraaya Namo Namah.
The sacred letter 'Om' is associated with the sacred dot - the Bindu. This 'Om' is the bestower of all wishes and is indeed capable of leading one to freedom from worldly bondage and is meditated upon by yogis. To this letter 'Om' we offer our salutations.
Om Asato Maa Sadgamaya Tamaso Maa Jyotir Gamaya
Mrityor Maa Amrtam Gamaya. Om Shaantih Shaantih Shaantih.
O Lord please lead me from the unreal to the real.
Lead me from darkness to light (i.e. from ignorance to knowledge).
Lead me from death to immortality.
May there be peace, peace and perfect peace
Om Saha Naavavatu Saha Nau Bhunaktu Saha Veeryam Karaavahai.
Tejasvi Naavadheetamastu Maa Vidvishaavahai.
Om Shaantih Shaantih Shaantih.
May the Lord protect us together.May he nourish us together. May we work together uniting our strength for the good of humanity.
May our learning be luminous and purposeful. May we never hate one another.
May there be peace, peace and perfect peace.
Om Poornamadah Poornamidam Poornaat Poornamudachyate.
Poornasya Poornamaadaaya Poornamevaavashishyate.
That is prefect - this is prefect. What comes from such perfection truly is prefect.
What remains after perfection from perfection is yet perfect.
May there be peace, peace and perfect peace.
Thursday, September 03, 2009
Who is a bramhin ?
At birth all are one and the same. The day 'upanayana' is conducted then he is known as 'dwijan'(twice born). By repeated chanting of the Gayathri when one earns 'tejas'(brilliance) he is known as 'Vipran'. He is known as 'Shastri' with the deep practice of the shastras. After learning the Vedas if he conducts yagna he is then known as 'Srowthi'. After being initiated into a 'Mantra' if he does japa (repeated chanting) of the 'mantra' and the darshan of the god or the goddess of the particular 'Mantra' is had, he is then known as 'Rishi'. He is known as 'Muni' if he controls his mind and does enquiry of the Self. If one attains oneness with the highest and sees only Hari everywhere and in everything he is then known as a 'Brahmin'.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Illairaja Song Jaabilli Kosam
jaabilli kOsam aakaashamallE vEchaanu nee raakakai
jaabilli kOsam aakaashamallE vEchaanu nee raakakai
jaabilli kOsam aakaashamallE vEchaanu nee raakakai
ninu kaana lEka manasoorukOka paaDaanu nEnu paaTanE
nuvvakkaDa nEnikkaDa paaTikkaDa palukakkaDa manasOkkaTi kalisunnadi yEnaaDaina
nuvvakkaDa nEnikkaDa paaTikkaDa palukakkaDa manasOkkaTi kalisunnadi yEnaaDaina
ee puvvulanE nee navvulugaa ee chukkalanE neekannulugaa
nunu niggula ee mOggalu nee buggalugaa
oohallO tElee vurootalugee mEghaalatOTi raagaala lEka
neekampinaanu raavaa dEvi
jaabilli kOsam aakaashamallE vEchaanu nee raakakai
jaabilli kOsam aakaashamallE vEchaanu nee raakakai
jaabilli kOsam aakaashamallE vEchaanu nee raakakai
jaabilli kOsam aakaashamallE vEchaanu nee raakakai
ninu kaana lEka manasoorukOka paaDaanu nEnu paaTanE
nee pErOka japamainadi nee prEmOka tapamainadi nee dhyanamE varamainadi yEnnallainaa
nee pErOka japamainadi nee prEmOka tapamainadi nee dhyanamE varamainadi yEnnallainaa
unDee lEkaa vunnadi neevE
vunnaa kooDaa lEnidi nEnE
naa rEpaTi adiyaasala roopam neevE
dooraana vunnaa naa tOdu neevE
nee dhaggarunna nee neeDa naadE
naadannadanta neevE neevE
jaabilli kOsam aakaashamallE vEchaanu nee raakakai
jaabilli kOsam aakaashamallE vEchaanu nee raakakai
jaabilli kOsam aakaashamallE vEchaanu nee raakakai
jaabilli kOsam aakaashamallE vEchaanu nee raakakai
ninu kaana lEka manasoorukOka paaDaanu nEnu paaTanE
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Madhuram is everything about god
beautiful to see, sweet to taste, melodious to listen,
aromatic to smell and blissful in touch
All these qualities are expressed in a single word "Madhuram"
॥ मधुराष्टकम् ॥ .. madhurāṣṭakam .. Eight Stanzas on Sweetness
वल्लभ आचार्य vallabha ācārya Vallabha Acharya
अधरं मधुरं adharaṁ madhuraṁ (His) lips are sweet
वदनं मधुरं vadanaṁ madhuraṁ (His) face is sweet
नयनं मधुरं nayanaṁ madhuraṁ (His) eyes are sweet
हसितं मधुरम् । hasitaṁ madhuram . (His) smile is sweet
हृदयं मधुरं hṛdayaṁ madhuraṁ (His) heart is sweet
गमनं मधुरं gamanaṁ madhuraṁ (His) gait (walk) is sweet
मधुराधिपतेरखिलं मधुरम् ॥ १ ॥ madhurādhipaterakhilaṁ madhuram .. 1 .. Everything is sweet about the Lord of Sweetness
वचनं मधुरं vacanaṁ madhuraṁ (His) words are sweet
चरितं मधुरं caritaṁ madhuraṁ (His) character and deeds are sweet
वसनं मधुरं vasanaṁ madhuraṁ (His) dress (garment) is sweet
वलितं मधुरम् । valitaṁ madhuram . (His) posture is sweet
चलितं मधुरं calitaṁ madhuraṁ (His) movements are sweet
भ्रमितं मधुरं bhramitaṁ madhuraṁ (His) wandering is sweet
मधुराधिपतेरखिलं मधुरम् ॥ २ ॥ madhurādhipaterakhilaṁ madhuram .. 2 .. Everything is sweet about the Lord of Sweetness
वेणुर्मधुरो veṇurmadhuro (His) flute-playing is sweet
रेणुर्मधुरः reṇurmadhuraḥ (His) foot-dust is sweet
पाणिर्मधुरः pāṇirmadhuraḥ (His) hands are sweet
पादौ मधुरौ । pādau madhurau . (His) feet are sweet
नृत्यं मधुरं nṛtyaṁ madhuraṁ (His) dancing is sweet
सख्यं मधुरं sakhyaṁ madhuraṁ (His) friendship (company) is sweet
मधुराधिपतेरखिलं मधुरम् ॥ ३ ॥ madhurādhipaterakhilaṁ madhuram .. 3 .. Everything is sweet about the Lord of Sweetness
गीतं मधुरं gītaṁ madhuraṁ (His) song is sweet
पीतं मधुरं pītaṁ madhuraṁ (His) drinking is sweet
भुक्तं मधुरं bhuktaṁ madhuraṁ (His) eating is sweet
सुप्तं मधुरम् । suptaṁ madhuram . (His) sleeping is sweet
रूपं मधुरं rūpaṁ madhuraṁ (His) beautiful form is sweet
तिलकं मधुरं tilakaṁ madhuraṁ (His) Tilaka (Sandalwood paste mark on the forehead) is sweet
मधुराधिपतेरखिलं मधुरम् ॥ ४ ॥ madhurādhipaterakhilaṁ madhuram .. 4 .. Everything is sweet about the Lord of Sweetness
करणं मधुरं karaṇaṁ madhuraṁ (His) deeds are sweet
तरणं मधुरं taraṇaṁ madhuraṁ (His) conquest (liberating) is sweet
हरणं मधुरं haraṇaṁ madhuraṁ (His) stealing is sweet
रमणं मधुरम् । ramaṇaṁ madhuram . (His) love-sports are sweet
वमितं मधुरं vamitaṁ madhuraṁ (His) oblations (offerings) are sweet
शमितं मधुरं śamitaṁ madhuraṁ (His) countenance is sweet
मधुराधिपतेरखिलं मधुरम् ॥ ५ ॥ madhurādhipaterakhilaṁ madhuram .. 5 .. Everything is sweet about the Lord of Sweetness
गुञ्जा मधुरा guñjā madhurā (His) gunja-berry necklace is sweet
माला मधुरा mālā madhurā (His) flower garland is sweet
यमुना मधुरा yamunā madhurā Yamuna river is sweet
वीची मधुरा । vīcī madhurā . and sweet are Yamuna’s rippling waves
सलिलं मधुरं salilaṁ madhuraṁ Her water is sweet
कमलं मधुरं kamalaṁ madhuraṁ and sweet are the lotus flowers also
मधुराधिपतेरखिलं मधुरम् ॥ ६ ॥ madhurādhipaterakhilaṁ madhuram .. 6 .. Everything is sweet about the Lord of Sweetness
गोपी मधुरा gopī madhurā (His) gopis (cowherd girl of Gopa) are sweet
लीला मधुरा līlā madhurā (His) frolickings are sweet
युक्तं मधुरं yuktaṁ madhuraṁ (His) union (meeting) is sweet
मुक्तं मधुरम् । muktaṁ madhuram . (His) deliverance is sweet
दृष्टं मधुरं dṛṣṭaṁ madhuraṁ (His) sidelong glances are sweet
शिष्टं मधुरं śiṣṭaṁ madhuraṁ (His) etiquette is sweet
मधुराधिपतेरखिलं मधुरम् ॥ ७ ॥ madhurādhipaterakhilaṁ madhuram .. 7 .. Everything is sweet about the Lord of Sweetness
गोपा मधुरा gopā madhurā (His) gopas (cowherd friends) are sweet
गावो मधुरा gāvo madhurā (His) cows are sweet
यष्टिर्मधुरा yaṣṭirmadhurā (His) cane (herding-stick) is sweet
सृष्टिरधुरा । sṛṣṭiradhurā . (His) creation is sweet
दलितं मधुरं dalitaṁ madhuraṁ (His) victory is sweet
फलितं मधुरं phalitaṁ madhuraṁ (His) accomplishment (fruition) is sweet
मधुराधिपतेरखिलं मधुरम् ॥ ८ ॥ madhurādhipaterakhilaṁ madhuram .. 8 .. Everything is sweet about the Lord of Sweetness
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
vasudevasutam dEvam kamsaChaNooraMardhanam (1)
DEvakeeParamAnandam Krishnam Vande Jagadgurum
ataseePushpaSankAsham hAranoopuraShobhitam (2)
ratnakankaNakeyooram Krishnam Vande Jagadgurum
kutilAlakaSamyuktam PoorNaChandranibhAsanam (3)
vilasatkundaladharam Krishnam Vande Jagadgurum
mandAragandhasamyuktam chAruhAsam chaturbhujam (4)
barhiPinchAvachoodangam Krishnam Vande Jagadgurum
utphalaPadmaPatrAksham neelajeemootasannibham (5)
yAdavAnam shiroratnam Krishnam Vande Jagadgurum
rukmiNi Kelisamyuktam PeetAmbara Sushobhitam (6)
avApta Tulasigandham krishnam Vande Jagadgurum
gopikAnAm KuchadwandwakukumAnkitavakshasam (7)
shriniketam MahEshwasam Krishnam Vande Jagadgurum
shrivatsAnkam Mahoraskam VanamAlAvirAjitam (8)
shankachakradharam Devam Krishnam Vande Jagadgurum

Eight Cantos on Krishna
I sing praise of Krishna, the Preceptor of the universe, Who is the son of Vasudev, Who is the Lord, Who slayed Kans and Chanur, and Who is the bliss of Devaki.||1||
I sing praise of Krishna, the Preceptor of the universe, Who is surrounded by flowers, Who is adorned with a garland and anklets, and Who has gem-studded necklace and arm-bracelet.||2||
I sing praise of Krishna, the Preceptor of the universe, Who is adorned with curly tresses, Who has a face resplendent like full-moon, and Who has shining earrings.||3||
I sing praise of Krishna, the Preceptor of the universe, Who is with the perfume of Mandara (a coral tree flower), Who has beautiful smile, Who has four hands (as Vishnu), and Who has peacock feather at the forehead.||4||
I sing praise of Krishna, the Preceptor of the universe, Who has eyes like blooming lotus flower, Who resembles a new blue cloud, and Who is the best in the dynasty of Yadu.||5||
I sing praise of Krishna, the Preceptor of the universe, Who plays with Rukmini (Lakshmi), Who is adorned with yellow-robes, and Who has attained the perfume of Tulsi.||6||
I sing praise of Krishna, the Preceptor of the universe, Who has the marks of saffron from the dual-breasts of the cowgirls, Who is the abode of Lakshmi (Sri), and Who has mighty arrows.||7||
I sing praise of Krishna, the Preceptor of the universe, Who has the sign of ‘‘Srivatsa’’ at His broad-chest, Who has a flower-garland, and Who holds the conch-shell and discus (shankha and chakra).||8||
Having awaken in the morning, those who study these blissful Cantos on Krishna, destroy their sins of millions of birth.||9||
Poet: Adi Sankara
Oy Movie Beautiful Lyrics (nannu vadhili)
nannu vadhili needa vellipothundha
kannodhili chupu vellipothonadha
vekuvane sandhe vali pothundhe
chikatilo udhayam undi poyindhe
naa yedhane tholichina guruthuga ninnu thesthunna
nee jatha lo gadipina brathukika bali avuthunna
nuvvunte neenunta
nenu una prema….
povadhe… povadhe….. prema
nannu vadhili needa vellipothundha
kannodhili chupu vellipothonadha
inni nallu nee vente
saguthunna naa padham
venta padina adugedhi antundheee
ninna dhaka nee roopam
nimpukunna kanupape
nuvvu lekha nanu niladhisthundhe
korukunna jeevithame
cheruvaina ee kshname
jaali leni vidhirathe
maru janma undhante brahmanaina agidheokate
kanamanta mammu thana aatalika saagani chote ……
nuvvunte neenunta…. prema…. povadhe… povadhe….. prema…. nuvvunte neenunta…. prema…. povadhe… povadhe….. prema….
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Calling in for good sense
Let all the people be happy. Let the entire world be happy. Let there be Peace . Peace. Peace. (converted from Sanskrit poem that we pray)
If this what a hindu prays before their gods day-in and day-out then the question of violence in hinduism does not araise. Again to be on correct stand there is no hindu in this country/ every one by default irrespective of his faith is a hindu. The eairlier like poems is what were being passed from ages (more than 6000 year ago!! ) down till now.
What we have is a culture that is coming from ages which can be modified for better tomorrow and there no restriction on it. All the hindu culture says is this may be good for you whether you follow or not is a decision left to thyself(remember Matrix movie).
Western life and materialist plasures have lot of influence on us and have changed/changing us.
what BJP/RSS is trying to do conserve this precious culture from degradation so that one day after centuries down the line (may be 1000 years or so !!) culture should not seem as alien to us as the Azetec/mayan culture (original Americans) to Americans. (Well the todays decent americans ancesters have totally anhilated aborigins that were present there. !!)
Congress on its part has no plans/idea to conserve such culture. They are not bothered about the hindu culture which is present from ages but are here to protect(prosper) the minorities.
Protecting minorities is good but apeasing them by discremenating them from majority is where the partisian politics arise. Also what is bad is dividing people based on religion/caste/region and giving political favours one group over other which will ultimately lead to break is populace.
Politics has nothing to do with faith/physical appearence.
There should uniform civil code across all sections of society. All the religions should be equally treated.